Why are we called Moe’s?
Contrary to popular belief, the owner Met, is not called Moe! His two youngest sons are named Oscar and Ethan, and together their initials spell “Moe”! Seeing as Oscar and Ethan hold the vitally important roles of Co-Chief Taste Testers, we felt it only right for them to be represented in the business name!
Met ran a successful courier business for many years, but although he enjoyed many aspects of the work, the demands it put upon him and the family were huge. Deciding it was time for a fresh challenge, Met asked to join his family in their ice cream business, initially expecting this to be a short term arrangement.
The family ice cream business had been running for over 20 years and with the help of his brother, nephews and some good friends who are also in the ice cream business, Met was soon trained up and working hard. That summer came and went. Met realised that he hadn’t missed the stress of running the courier business, but that he had found something he was passionate about and loved. He had made some amazing friends and got so much joy from seeing the happiness that ice cream gave.
Moe’s was born, and we’ve never looked back.